Project Lazarus Wiki
Project Lazarus Wiki

The ASM Val Update was released on June 6, 2024.

v1.0 (6/6/2024)[]


Player Character
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a minor internal bug that would throw errors when removing body part meshes from player characters.
Heads-Up Display
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug revive channel UI where the text would be slightly delayed when reviving another player.
  • Updated rag doll physics to perform slightly better for explosions under lag.
  • Updated orb animation code.
  • Cleaned up power-up drop code.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a visual bug that could cause the power-up orb to visually linger momentarily after it expires.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a visual bug that could cause Carpenter and Nuclear Bomb power-up orbs to visually linger momentarily after being collected.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a minor bug that could cause power-ups to spawn very slightly less often overall after failing a power-up drop attempt.


  • Updated power room generator animation code.
  • Updated toilet animation code.
  • Added additional invisible walls to prevent players from getting stuck.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a minor internal bug with the power room generator code.
  • Added teleporter particles and electricity effects.
  • Added player teleport effect.


Weapon Framework
  • Updated interact code to be more responsive.
  • Rewrote hit scan code to be more efficient.
  • Rewrote projectile code to be more consistent.
  • Updated internal code to throw more precise errors to help with debugging when encountering problems with specific weapon animations.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where changing the burst number of a weapon mid-burst could cause unintended delays in firing.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a minor internal error when spamming the interaction key.
Glock 47 MOS
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug with the upgraded weapon where aiming down sights mid-burst could a cause a stutter in firing.
  • Headshot Multiplier: x3.5 -> x4.0
  • PaP Headshot Multiplier: x3.5 -> x5.0
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a typo in the PaP module description.
AN-94 Abakan
  • PaP Module Name: “Double Headshots” -> “Sharpened Mind”
  • PaP Module Desc: “Double headshots grant 150% headshot damage for 1s.” -> “Converts the weapon to full-auto. Double headshots grant 150% headshot damage for 0.6s.”
  • PaP Fire Mode: Burst -> Full-Auto (with Burst)
  • PaP Fire Time: ~0.033s -> ~0.033s (Burst), 0.100s (Auto)
  • PaP Fire Rates: 1800 RPM (Burst), 720 RPM (Overall) -> 1800 RPM (Burst), 600 RPM (Auto)
  • PaP Module Increased Headshot Duration: 1.0s -> 0.6s
  • Updated animations.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an animation bug with the upgraded weapon where parts of the reload animation would be skipped.
ASM Val - New Weapon
  • PaP Weapon Name: “Fleeting Moment” -> “Fish of the Deep”
  • PaP Module Name: “Opportunity” -> “Curse of the Drowned”
  • PaP Module Desc: “Headshots have a 5% chance to grant a 200% damage buff for 10s. Improved mobility while aiming.” -> “While at the bottom half of the magazine, the weapon fires slower and deals 200% damage. Improved mobility while aiming.”
  • Damage Range: 7.5 max - 22.5 min -> 5 max - 20 min
  • Damage: 160 - 30 (x4) (640 - 120) -> 180 - 30 (x4) (720 - 120)
  • PaP Damage: 480 - 60 (x4) (1920 - 240) -> 520 - 40 (x4) (2080 - 160)
  • Model update.
  • Added third person animations.
  • Updated animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
Remington 870
  • Model update.
  • Added third person animations.
  • Updated animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
Benelli M4
  • Gun Kick: 2.5 -> 2.2
  • Minor model update.
  • Added third person animations.
  • Updated animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an animation bug where interrupting a reload at the right time can get a shell stuck on the left hand.
"Less Lethal" CQB
  • Third person pump animation touch-up.
  • Minor model update.
  • Added third person animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Ammo Reserves: 50 -> 60
  • PaP Ammo Reserves: 140 -> 160
  • Gun Kick: 1.5 -> 1.75
  • Model touch-up.
  • Added third person animations.
  • Updated animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Headshot Multiplier: x4.0-> x7.5
  • Torso Multiplier: x1.0 -> x1.5
  • PaP Headshot Multiplier: x5.0-> x10.0
  • PaP Torso Multiplier: x1.0 -> x3.0
  • Headshot Multiplier: x4.0 -> x6.0
  • Torso Multiplier: x1.0 -> x1.5
  • PaP Headshot Multiplier: x5.0 -> x7.5
  • PaP Torso Multiplier: x1.0 -> x1.5
  • Headshot Multiplier: x4.0 -> x6.0
  • Torso Multiplier: x1.0 -> x1.5
  • PaP Headshot Multiplier: x5.0 -> x7.5
  • PaP Torso Multiplier: x1.0 -> x1.5
  • Damage: 150 - 110 -> 190 - 120
  • PaP Damage: 210 - 150 -> 250 - 190
  • PaP Mag Size: 75 -> 100
  • PaP Ammo Reserves: 825 -> 800
  • Damage: 165 - 100 -> 195 - 100
  • PaP Damage: 210 - 150 -> 240 - 140
AS Val - Undocumented
  • PaP Weapon Name: “Silent Valor” -> “Silenced Valor”


  • Updated animation code.
Mystery Box
  • ASM Val added to the pool.
  • Added particle effects.
  • Added new sound effects.
  • Updated animation code.
Power Switch
  • Updated animation code.
  • Updated animation code.