The AUG A3 Update was released on February 10, 2019.
v1.0 (02/10/2019)[]
- Minor changes to the way blood effects are applied for optimization.
- Added more invisible walls to prevent climbing barricades.
- Bug Fixes: Slight fixes to prevent plays from climbing out of the map.
- Buffed and improved hit box.
- Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue that would cause the weapon script to break.
- AUG A3 - New Weapon
- Added to the game.
- Added to the Mystery Box.
- Added Dusty Rose Rare camouflage.
- AUG A3 added to the pool.
- Bug Fixes: Sound and lighting effects now play properly when opening a new area.
v1.1c (02/11/2019)[]
- Bug Fixes: Updated invisible walls so that they don't block zombies from climbing over.
- Bug Fixes: Fixed another issue that caused knifing to sometimes break.
v1.2 (02/12/2019)[]
- Bug Fixes: Fixed a glitch where gibbed limbs/torsos would regrow on death.