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"Bolt-action sniper rifle. High accuracy. High damage." ― Description

The AWP is a British bolt-action sniper rifle. It can only be acquired through the Mystery Box.

The weapon has high base damage per shot and has an exceptionally high headshot multiplier. These combine to allow the AWP to reliably drop zombies with a single shot to the head. With Double Tap Root Beer, the AWP retains its one-shot headshot ability up to and including round 36.

The AWP also possesses a uniquely fast aim down sight speed. As such, it is the sniper most suitable for aggressive use, quickly scoping in and out to fire precise shots.

However, the AWP suffers from a lower rate of fire due to its bolt-action mode of fire. As such, being unable to kill with a single bullet will prove punishing as the bolt must be cycled before follow-up shots can be fired.

The bolt-action nature of the AWP also restricts how quickly it can kill off zombies. Getting surrounded and caught out of position with the AWP can prove fatal as the player can quickly get overwhelmed.

Overall, the AWP is a potent bolt-action sniper rifle that can be utilized very aggressively in the hands of a skilled and precise player even in high rounds. A player confident in their aim can push the weapon to its limits, scoping in and out to place accurate shots and swiftly repositioning in between. However, missing shots or playing too haphazardly can quickly leave a player overwhelmed and overrun by the zombie horde.

Pros & Cons[]


  • One-shot kills with Double Tap Root Beer up to round 36, inclusive.
  • High base damage and headshot multiplier.
  • Fast aim down sight speed.
  • Suited for aggressive use.


  • Bolt-action nature limits rate of fire.
  • Inaccurate shots are very punishing, especially when playing aggressively.
  • Easily overwhelmed by zombies if not careful.
  • Has to be acquired through chance from the Mystery Box.

Weapon Upgrade[]

When upgraded via the Pack-a-Punch machine, the AWP becomes the Arctic Wisp.

With the Quick Scope Module, the upgraded weapon briefly does 175% damage for 0.25 seconds after fully aiming down sights. To utilize this effect, the player will need to fire almost immediately after scoping. The scope reticle turns red to indicate when the increased damage is active.

In conjunction with Double Tap Root Beer, the increased damage of the module allows the weapon to kill zombies with a single shot to the head up to and including round 49.

Hitting headshots while increased damage is active will trigger an air horn sound effect that can only be heard by the player. After 0.2 seconds, air horns have a 50% chance to be triggered again, potentially causing a long chain of repeated airhorn sounds. Hitting multiple headshots with a single shot will trigger multiple air horns at the same time. Apart from indicating headshots, the air horns have no real gameplay effect.

In addition to increased quick scope damage, the Arctic Wisp gains doubled base damage and increased damage multipliers to the torso and limbs. The weapon also increases magazine capacity and has a larger maximum ammunition reserve.

AWP vs. Arctic Wisp[]

AWP Arctic Wisp
Damage 500 → 500 (Flat) 1000 → 1000 (Flat)
AWP Damage
AWP PaP Damage
Multipliers Head: ×12.5, Torso: ×1.5, Limbs: ×1.2 Head: ×12.5, Torso: ×3.0, Limbs: ×1.75
Magazine Size 5 8
Ammunition 5+45 8+72
Rate of fire ~55 RPM ~55 RPM
Fire Mode Bolt-Action Bolt-Action
Pack-a-Punch Module > Quick Scope Module
Firing right after aiming down sights does 175% damage. Headshots trigger air horns.


For camouflage images, see AWP/Camouflage.


  • The base weapon model of the AWP is built by the Roblox user adrenalinejunkie1124.
  • AWP stands for "Arctic Warfare Police", which is a version of the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare rifle that is intended for use by law enforcement as opposed to military.
    • In real life, the AWP variant is manufactured with a distinctive plain black furniture instead of the green finish commonly associated with the Arctic Warfare line of rifles.
    • The in-game model instead has the green frame of other Arctic Warfare rifles.
  • The name of the upgraded weapon "Arctic Wisp" is a reference to the AWP as an Arctic Warfare rifle.
    • The name eludes to the wisp of smoke that lingers from the barrel of a gun after firing.
  • The Quick Scope Module and its airhorn effect are references to the quick-scoping MLG gaming culture and its subsequent montage parodies.
  • In real life, the bolt handle of the Arctic Warfare is positioned on the right of side the weapon and is cycled with the right hand between shots.
    • The in-game depiction has the bolt handle on the left and the bolt is operated with the left hand instead.
    • This may be an homage to old first-person shooters, primarily the original Counter-Strike games, which depict similarly mirrored renditions of the weapon operated with the left hand.
  • The firing pin of the AWP visibly functions when firing a shot and operating the bolt.
  • The AWP is outfitted with a lower magnification British SUSAT sight instead of the Schmidt & Bender PM II telescopic sight that it is recommended by Accuracy International, similar to the other sniper rifles in-game.
  • The AWP was added on March 15, 2019.

Update History[]

Independence Update v1.0
  • Gun Kick: 2.25 -> 2.8
  • Model update.
  • Updated animations and sounds.
  • Added third person animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
Milkor MGL Update v1.0
  • Fire Time: 0.6s -> 1.1s (~55 RPM) (Rate of Fire Unchanged)
PM-9 Update v1.0
  • Updated animation code.
  • Added inspect animation.
  • Animation touch ups.
  • Minor model clean up.
M26 MASS Update v1.0
  • Bug Fix: Should now play an empty click sound when completely out of ammo.
Benelli M4 Update v1.0
  • Increased the volume of the upgraded AWP air horn sound effects.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that caused the weapon to fire faster than intended.
Bug Fixes Update v1.0
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a typo in the PaP Module.
Pack-a-Punch Update v1.0
  • Added the upgraded AWP.
AWP Update v1.1
  • Bug Fix: Should now properly play the empty sound effect when completely out of ammo.
AWP Update v1.0 - New Weapon
