The AWP Update was released on March 15, 2019.
v1.0 (03/15/2019)[]
- Aim Down Sights
- Updated ADS system to be more accurate when moving.
- Manual Action Weapons
- Updated single-action code.
- Updated single-action code.
- AWP - New Weapon
- Added to the game.
- Added to the Mystery Box.
- AWP added to the pool.
v1.1 (03/25/2019)[]
- Updated exp awards (e.g. round survived, door opened) to specifically state that is it exp.
- Increased exp needed for levels above 20.
- Better target requisition
- Slight improvements to pathfinding.
- Increased vertical reach.
- Bug Fix: Now properly resets if stuck within the map.
- Now kills zombies faster.
- Revive process now gets interrupted if the player get downed.
- Added more invisible walls.
- Single Action Weapons
- Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that caused single action weapons (e.g. Remington 870, AWP) to not play the empty click sound when out of ammo.
- Bug Fix: Fixed knife breaking.
- Bug Fix: Should now properly play the empty sound effect when completely out of ammo.
- Bug Fix: Should now properly play the empty sound effect when completely out of ammo.
- Will no longer show the purchase prompt if the player already has max perks.
v1.1c (08/28/2019)[]
- Localization
- Small system changes and additions to facilitate the localization process.
- Player Ragdolls
- Player deaths will now also have ragdoll physics (testing a new system that is different from the zombies).