Project Lazarus Wiki
Project Lazarus Wiki

"Hold F to Rebuild Barrier" ― Interaction Prompt

Barriers are utilities that prevent zombies from reaching the playable area of the map. They are repairable barricades made up of five wooden planks that board up the entrances into the map, such as windows and doors.

Outside zombies will attack barriers to break in, taking down one plank at a time. Multiple zombies can attack the same barrier to take it down faster. Once a barrier is fully destroyed, zombies will be able to freely climb through it to enter the map, chasing down and attacking players.

Players can interact with damaged barriers to rebuild them and are rewarded 10 points for each plank.

The Carpenter power-up will completely repair all barriers on the map when a player collects it.


The primary purpose of barriers is to slow down the flow of zombies into the map.

Interacting with damaged barriers will rebuild them. Doing so will repair the barrier by replacing each of the missing planks individually. The barrier will continue to be rebuilt as long as the player remains in close proximity. The player can continue to perform any other action, such as shooting, aiming, and reloading, while repairing a barrier.

Each plank takes 0.75s to repair. Fully repairing all five planks will take 3.75s. Players with Speed Cola will repair at a 87.5% faster rate, only taking 0.4s to repair each plank and 2.0s to completely rebuild a barrier.

Players are rewarded 10 points for each plank repaired. However, the amount of points that the player can earn through repairing is limited within each round. Upon reaching the point cap, the player will no longer receive any points for repairing barriers. The point cap is increases by round and reset at the start of each round.



  • While most utilities usually cost points, rebuilding barriers is free.
  • While all barriers follow the same general structure of planks, exact position and orientation of each individual plank are slightly randomized each time they are constructed.
  • Barriers are the only utility that rewards points on use.
  • There has been multiple updates that try to prevent players from climbing out barriers and into the outside of the map.