Project Lazarus Wiki

This is the community guide for strategies on power-ups.

It is not always best to collect a power-up as soon as a zombie drops one. Unfortunately, inexperienced players do this quite often. This page outlines how to take full advantage of the different power-ups when they appear.


This power-up repairs all barricades on the map, giving players 200 points each (400 if Double Points is active) and a breath of fresh air.

  • If most barriers are already fully fortified, wait a few seconds to collect Carpenter to allow zombies. There is no point to collect it if all barriers are completely fortified.
  • Collect Carpenter instantly if all barriers are destroyed, especially in a hard round.
  • If you are trying to speedrun or get through rounds as fast as possible, consider not touching Carpenter at all.

Double Points[]

Double points doubles points gained in all ways for some time.

  • If Double Points is dropped next to Nuclear Bomb or Carpenter, collect Double Points first to receive 800 points from Nuclear Bomb and 400 points from Carpenter.
  • Kill as many zombies as possible. With Double Points activated, a player can receive 1,000 points from killing just five zombies.
  • If there are no zombies, fortify barriers to receive 100 points instead of the normal 50.


Insta-Kill allows players to one-shot zombies with with any weapon, even the knife.

  • If Insta-Kill is triggered in an early round, knife all zombies to conserve ammo.
  • If Insta-Kill is triggered in a hard round, shoot zombies once since there will be too many to knife.
  • Kill as many zombies as possible. If there are no zombies, peek out barriers to snipe zombies.
  • If you need to move to a different part of the map, Insta-Kill makes relocating easy.
  • If you are downed, knife nearby zombies or shoot them with the Beretta M9 so surviving players can get to you easier.

Max Ammo[]

Max Ammo only replenishes stored ammo. Current ammo is not restocked.

  • Reload all weapons before collecting Max Ammo.
  • Type "reload" into the chat to alert other players to do the same. Wait a few seconds before collecting it.
  • If there is time, spray current weapons, reload, and then collect Max Ammo.

Nuclear Bomb[]

One of the best power-ups, Nuclear Bomb (also known as "Nuke" and "Ka-boom") instantly wipes the map of zombies along with granting all players 400 points (800 points if Double Points is active).

  • If it is dropped in a crowd of zombies, it is worth risking your life to collect it. Find an opening in the crowd or blast a path to it using the Ray Gun, M249 SAW, or any other appropriate weapon.
  • After Nuclear Bomb is triggered, revive downed players, reload weapons, or use the Mystery Box before new zombies spawn.
  • Do not collect it in the beginning of a round when no zombies have spawned. Wait until lots of zombies spawn to trigger it for maximum effect.
    • However, during early rounds (<10) it is advisable to wait until a round has finished to pick it up such that the player will still earn the points from it, while killing no zombies, allowing more points to be earned.