Project Lazarus Wiki
Project Lazarus Wiki

The Community World Records are a set of records in Project Lazarus that are maintained and tracked by the community.

There are many different world records and challenges that are recorded. Each record category is separated by map and size of the group.


Submission Rules

  • To prevent any run rejections, players should read the rules very carefully.
  • Runs are required to record full gameplay. It is understandable if a few minutes are missed.
  • All challenge world records must meet the requirements of any challenge-specific rules.
  • For the High Rounds leaderboards, players must reach at least round 40 to qualify.
  • For the Challenges leaderboards, solo players must reach at least round 10 to qualify or round 8 for groups.

General Rules

  • Players caught cheating will have their records removed and be permanently banned from submitting future records.
  • Any proof of splicing or video speeding will result in an immediate indefinite ban from submitting any future records.
  • Players must use their own gameplay. Players caught stealing or fabricating gameplay will face same punishment above.
  • Exploiting glitches or bugs to gain an advantage is prohibited, with the exception of specific techniques as stated below.
  • Every round must be played in full. Any exploits or server commands that are used to skip rounds will result in a disqualification or submission ban, depending on severity.
  • Bugs and glitches that occur out of the player's control, such as flinging, zombie stuttering, or wall-glitching, will not invalidate runs.
  • If a player disconnects during a multiplayer run, they must reconnect before the next round begins. Otherwise, the run will be voided beyond that point.
  • The exact same players must be present at the start of each round. Substitute players are not allowed. If any extra players join, the run will be invalidated beyond that point.
  • All players on the team must actively participate in the run. Players must contribute to kills or otherwise demonstrate their role in the team's strategy.
  • Records must be achieved with real people and not alternative accounts. Having inactive "camera accounts" in the server for capturing is not allowed.
  • The player leaderboard must always be shown during the "Game Over" screen.
  • Multiple records can be broken at once if categories overlap and the all criterias are met throughout the entire run.
  • Records submitted before the MCX-SPEAR Update (1/25/2023), which capped the number of zombies per round, have recalculated rounds to match the new round pacing.

Video Requirements

  • Full gameplay footage is required for all world record categories at a minimum resolution of 240p.
  • Ensure all gameplay is uploaded to a video hosting platform (YouTube, Twitch, or Medal).
  • Make sure that videos submitted on YouTube or Medal are set to public or unlisted.
  • For Twitch runs, ensure that the run footage is highlighted. Past broadcasts will not be accepted for records.
  • Footage from Mixer or Streamable are not accepted, as there is a time limit on how long the video stays up.
  • Clear and stable footage from cameras is accepted. However, it is highly recommended to use screen capturing software instead.

Allowed Tools, Techniques, and Glitches

  • ROBLOX FPS Unlocker
  • ROBLOX Reshaders (except on Research because of increased visibility)
  • Macros that do not have superhuman inputs
  • Auto-clickers
  • Animation canceling
  • AFK macros/techniques
  • Cutting gameplay into multiple parts (as long as segments end and start on the same rounds)
  • Extra peripherals (e.g. bindable controllers)
Submit Run
  • Submit your run in this Discord server.
  • Runs will be verified before being posted.
  • Please check the full rules before applying.

High Rounds



Hall of Fame
