Project Lazarus Wiki

"200 lb ballistic crossbow. Heavy tungsten bolts. Silent and agile." ― Description

The Crossbow is a single-shot launcher that fires heavy tungsten bolts. It can only be acquired from the Mystery Box.

The bolts fired from the Crossbow travel in a parabolic trajectory, dealing direct impact damage to any target struck. The bolts travel with relatively high velocity. However, the player may have to aim above longer ranged targets to account for the drop of the projectile.

The crossbow bolt deals high impact damage. The crossbow has a particularly high headshot multiplier and suffers no damage drop off at range. However, it needs to be reloaded after each shot.

It is great for precise shots and taking out zombies one at a time. However, the reload between shots limits the output of the weapon and can leave the player vulnerable.

Overall, the crossbow is a weapon of precision, much like a sniper rifle. It is best suited for medium to longer range use, where the player can pick off zombies from a distance.

Pros & Cons[]


  • Incredibly high single target damage.
  • High precision.
  • Good handling and mobility.
  • Extremely generous headshot multiplier.


  • Single shot with slow reload.
  • No penetrative capability.
  • Struggles against groups of zombies.
  • Parabolic trajectory.

Weapon Upgrade[]

When upgraded via the Pack-a-Punch machine, the Crossbow becomes the Phantom Crucifix.

With the Headhunter Module, the upgraded weapon permanently gains a 0.50% increase to headshot damage for each headshot kill. This effect can stack infinitely.

After 100 headshot kills, the upgraded weapon is loaded with mechanical broadhead bolts. Broadhead bolts have increased base damage with a moderate penetration value of 2, allowing it to pierce through two zombies. This allows striking up to three zombies with a single broadhead bolt, which can each count towards the headshot kills. Visually, broadhead bolts also have the ability to dismember zombies when piercing through them.

On each headshot kill, a counter will display the total number of headshot kills made with the upgraded crossbow.

In addition to the stacking headshot damage and broadhead bolts, the Phantom Crucifix also benefits from a higher base multipliers to all parts of the body, increased base damage, and a larger pool of reserve bolts.

Crossbow vs. Phantom Crucifix[]

Crossbow Phantom Crucifix
Crossbow Hip
Crossbow PaP Hip
Damage 750 (Direct Impact) 1500 (Direct Impact)
3000 (Broadhead Bolt)
Range ∞ (Parabolic) ∞ (Parabolic)
Crossbow Damage
Crossbow PaP Damage
Multipliers Head: ×10.0, Torso: ×1.5, Limbs: ×1.2 Head: ×12.5, Torso: ×3.0, Limbs: ×1.75
Magazine Size 1 1
Ammunition 1+60 1+96
Rate of fire N/A N/A
Fire Mode Single-Shot Single-Shot
Pack-a-Punch Module > Headhunter Module
Headshot kills permanently increase headshot damage by 0.50%. Stacks infinitely. Upgrade to broadhead bolts at 100 headshot kills.


For camouflage images, see Crossbow/Camouflage.


  • The base weapon model of the Crossbow was built by the Roblox user manofthelol.
    • The original weapon model was modeled after the TenPoint Defender CLS crossbow.
  • The broadhead bolts used with the Phantom Crucifix are TenPoint EVO-X CenterPunch Broadheads.
  • The inspect animation of the Phantom Crucifix changes when upgraded to broadhead bolts.
    • When inspecting the broadhead bolts, the mechanical broadheads retract on their own after being deployed.
    • In real life, the broadhead blades have to be closed manually.
  • The Crossbow was added in the Crossbow Update on April 15, 2021.

Update History[]

Intervention Update v1.0
  • PaP Broadhead Bolt Penetration: 1.5 -> 2.0
Buckshot Update v1.0
  • Reload time: ~2.45s -> ~2.23s
  • PaP Module Desc: “Headshot kills permanently increase headshot damage by 0.50%. Stacks infinitely.” -> “Headshot kills permanently increase headshot damage by 0.50%. Stacks infinitely. Upgrade to broadhead bolts at 100 headshot kills.”
  • Added third person animations.
  • Updated inspect animation.
  • Cleaned up reload animation.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Minor model cleanup.
Independence Update v1.0
  • Inspecting the upgraded weapon will now display module progress in the description.
S&W 500 Update v1.0
  • Fixed a model issue that obstructed the rear sight dots.
Law Enforcement Update v1.0
  • Damage (Direct Impact): 450 -> 750
  • PaP Damage (Direct Impact): 1200 -> 1500
Milkor MGL Update v1.0
  • Small animation code update.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a rare visual bug where canceling mid-reload would not properly reset crossbow limbs.
Nail Gun Update v1.0
  • Updated animation code.
  • Added inspect animation.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a rare bug with reloading that can cause the script to break.
M26 MASS Update v1.0
  • Projectiles should now be more accurate.
Frostbite Update v1.0
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a rare bug that can cause the script to break when reloading.
Crossbow Update v1.0 - New Weapon
