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Project Lazarus Wiki

"Semi-auto pistol. Insane damage per shot." ― Description

The Desert Eagle (sometimes shortened to the "Deagle") is an American-Israeli semi-automatic handgun. It is a powerful pistol that can be found in the Mystery Box.

Chambered with the .50 AE, the Desert Eagle boasts the highest damage of the handguns in-game. With Double Tap Root Beer, it is capable of killing zombies with a single shot to the head up to Round 18.

The Desert Eagle's penetrative power is above average for handguns. Coupled with its high damage, a well-placed shot can stop multiple zombies.

However, the Desert Eagle's unwieldy handling, slow fire rate, and meager magazine size mean that every shot counts. Missing shots or unexpected reloads can prove fatal amidst a horde of zombies.

The Desert Eagle proves exceedingly valuable to experienced players who can tame its raw power with careful and deliberate shots. However, the weapon falls off in viability upon entering Round 19, where it loses its one-shot potential.

Pros & Cons[]


  • Powerful high damage shots with good penetrative power for a handgun.
  • Capable of one-shot kills up to Round 18 with Double Tap Root Beer.
  • Lightweight nature allows for unhindered mobility.
  • Can be used while downed.


  • High recoil and slow rate of fire mean missing shots is punishing.
  • Low magazine size.
  • Slow reloads for a handgun.
  • Has to be acquired through chance from the Mystery Box.

Weapon Upgrade[]

When upgraded via the Pack-a-Punch machine, the Desert Eagle becomes the Hell's Vulture.

With the Devil's Seal Module, the final round in the chamber does 666% damage. The weapon also gains increased hip fire accuracy for its final round. During which, its minimum hip fire spread is reduced by 75% and does not increase while moving.

In addition to the enhanced final shots, the Hell's Vulture also benefits from increased base damage and increased damage multipliers, especially for shots to the head. The weapon's bullet penetration is also increased from moderate to high. The weapon also gains a larger maximum ammunition reserve.

With Double Tap Root Beer, the Hell's Vulture is capable of killing zombies with a single shot to the head up to and including round 32. With the Devil's Seal Module, the final round in the chamber will kill with a single shot to the head up to and including round 53.

Desert Eagle vs. Hell's Vulture[]

Desert Eagle Hell's Vulture
Desert Eagle Hip
Desert Eagle PaP Hip
Damage 1000 → 300 1300 → 666
Range 8 max → 30 min 8 max → 30 min
Desert Eagle Damage
Desert Eagle PaP Damage
Multipliers Head: ×1.5, Torso: ×1.35, Limbs: ×1.0 Head: ×3.5, Torso: ×1.5, Limbs: ×1.25
Magazine Size 7 7
Ammunition 7+84 7+126
Rate of fire 300 RPM 300 RPM
Fire Mode Semi-Automatic Semi-Automatic
Pack-a-Punch Module > Devil's Seal Module
Last bullet in the chamber has reduced spread and does 666% damage.


For camouflage images, see Desert Eagle/Camouflage.


  • The base weapon model of the Desert Eagle was built by the Roblox user manofthelol.
  • The name of the Pack-a-Punch Module, "Devil's Seal", is a reference to forming a deal with the devil.
  • The increased damage granted by the module and the long-ranged damage value of the upgraded weapon are biblical references to 666, the number of the beast.
  • Hell's Vulture previously had a magazine capacity of 13, which is considered an unlucky number and commonly associated with the biblical Last Supper.
    • The Last Supper is the final meal that Jesus shared with his 12 apostles, for a total of 13 people, before his betrayal and subsequent crucifixion.
    • The magazine capacity of the Hell's Vulture was reduced back down to 7 to allow for the benefit of its module to be utilized more often.
  • The hammer visibly actuates when firing the weapon.
  • When the magazine of the Desert Eagle runs empty, the pistol slide is visibly locked back, similar to other handguns in the game.

Update History[]

Independence Update v1.0
  • Damage: 800 max - 300 min -> 1000 max - 300 min
  • PaP Damage: 1000 max - 666 min -> 1300 max - 666 min
  • Gun Kick: 4.0 -> 6.5
  • Recoil Pitch: 6.0 min - 8.5 max -> 12.0 min - 16.0 max
  • Recoil Yaw: -3.5 min - -2.0 max -> -6.5 min - -4.5 max
S&W 500 Update v1.0
  • Model update.
  • Slide catch now visually engages when the slide is locked back.
  • Hammer visually functions.
  • Updated reload animations.
Honey Badger Update v1.0
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in third person where the slide would not be locked back when empty if the reload was canceled.
Law Enforcement Update v1.0
  • Added third person to animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
Frostbite Update v1.0
  • Added inspect animation.
  • New empty reload animation.
  • New initial equip animation.
  • Updated animation code.
  • Minor model cleanup.
Map Update v1.0
  • Bug Fix: Modified sprint animation to prevent clipping on ultra-wide monitors.
Benelli M4 Update v1.0
  • PaP Damage: 800 - 600 -> 1000 - 666
  • PaP Headshot Multiplier: x3.0 -> x3.5
  • PaP Magazine Capacity: 13 -> 7
  • PaP Ammo Reserves: 104 -> 126
  • PaP Bullet Penetration: Moderate -> High
  • PaP Module Name: Perfect Last Shot -> Devil’s Seal
  • PaP Last Shot Damage: 300% -> 666%
Pack-a-Punch Update v1.0
  • Added the upgraded Desert Eagle.
DBNO Update v1.0
  • Can now be equipped when downed.
