Project Lazarus Wiki

The Honey Badger Update was released on February 29, 2024.

v1.0 (2/29/2024)[]


  • Retaking teleporters will now avoid teleporting the player back to a teleporter they have just arrived from.
  • Cleaned up teleporter effects code.
  • Added invisible walls to prevent players from getting on top of the metal detectors in the security hallway.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed visual FOV inconsistencies when teleporting while aiming.


  • Cleaned up recoil camera code.
No Weapon
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a critical bug that occurred when downing and then getting back up while having no weapon.
Beretta M9
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in the third person animation code that caused the parts of the slide to be missing.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in third person where the slide would not be locked back when empty if the reload was canceled.
B93 Raffica
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in third person where the slide would not be locked back when empty if the reload was canceled.
Desert Eagle
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in third person where the slide would not be locked back when empty if the reload was canceled.
Glock 17
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug in third person where the slide would not be locked back when empty if the reload was canceled.
JS 9
  • Added third person to animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Added third person to animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Added third person to animations.
  • Minor animation clean up.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Added third person to animations.
  • Minor animation clean up.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Added third person to animations.
  • Minor animation clean up.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Added third person to animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a model issue that obstructed the rear sight dots.
Honey Badger - New Weapon
  • Penetration: Low -> Moderate
  • Damage: 90 - 45 -> 85 -> 45
  • PaP Damage: 175 - 100 -> 165 - 100
  • Added third person to animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a rare visual bug where the weapon would have two magazines.
  • Added third person to animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Added third person to animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Updated model and animations to have a functional bolt.
  • Added third person to animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Aim Mobility: ×0.4 (Unchanged)
  • PaP Aim Mobility: ×0.4 -> ×0.8
  • PaP Module Buff Duration: 5s -> 10s
  • PaP Desc: “Headshots have a 5% chance to grant a 200% damage buff for 5s.” -> “Headshots have a 5% chance to grant a 200% damage buff for 10s. Improved mobility while aiming.”
Ray Gun
  • Added third person to animations.
  • Animation improvements.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
  • Added ice block effect when self freezing.
  • Melee lunge disabled for frozen players.
  • Added third person to animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
Weapon Camouflage


Mystery Box

v1.0a (3/2/2024)[]


Weapon Camouflage
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a typo where the Sludge Rare camouflage was misspelled in-game as "Sluge".

v1.0b (3/3/2024)[]


Ray Gun
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a visual bug with the third person inspect animation where the player's arm would be momentarily completely detached from the body.

v1.0c (4/14/2024)[]


  • Bug Fix: Fixed a physics bug introduced in the recent Roblox update that caused players and zombies to be flung.
  • Bug Fix: Workspace "Physics Stepping Method" Setting: "Default" -> "Fixed"
  • Player Character Humanoid "Falling Down" State Enabled: true -> false
  • Zombie Humanoid "Falling Down" State Enabled: true -> false