The Law Enforcement Update was released on April 1, 2023.
v1.0 (4/1/2023)[]
- Fixed a wall that caused visual clipping.
- Adjusted invisible walls in the security room.
- Weapon Framework
- Implemented support for third person weapon animations.
- Added third person firing animation.
- No Weapon
- Bug Fix: Fixed a critical bug that occurred when downing and then getting back up while having no weapon.
- Added third person to animations.
- Updated PaP explosion code.
- Updated PaP self splash effect.
- Cleaned up animation code.
- Minor model clean up.
- Added third person to animations.
- Cleaned up animation code.
- Added third person to animations.
- Cleaned up animation code.
- Added third person to animations.
- Cleaned up animation code.
- Minor model adjustment to prevent visual clipping.
- Added third person to animations.
- Cleaned up animation code.
- Updated sprint animation.
- Aim Spread: 3.0 -> 3.0 (Unchanged)
- PaP Aim Spread: 0.0 -> 2.0
- Recolored upgraded slug shells to be black.
- "Less Lethal" CQB - New Weapon
- Added to the game.
- Added to the Mystery Box.
- Damage (Direct Impact): 450 -> 750
- PaP Damage (Direct Impact): 1200 -> 1500
- MGL-LTL Anti-Riot - New Weapon
- Added to the game.
- Added to the Mystery Box.
- Damage (Direct Impact): 400 -> 550
- Added third person to animations.
- Bug Fix: Fixed a rare visual bug where grenades that bounce off zombies could glitch out when against invisible walls.
- "Less Lethal" CQB added to the pool.
- MGL-LTL Anti-Riot added to the pool.