Project Lazarus Wiki

The Milkor MGL Update was released on March 1, 2023.

v1.0 (3/1/2023)[]


Heads-Up Display
  • PaP Module UI now dynamically resizes based on text height.
  • Adjusted the head hitbox to a cylinder.
  • Added persistent player punishment system.


  • Added more invisible walls.
  • Added another office chair to the corner of one of the upper testing chamber side rooms.


Weapon Framework
  • New updates to the weapon animation framework.
  • Reduced the volume on the empty click sound effect.
No Weapon
  • Attempting to shoot or aim down sights now performs melee attack when without a weapon.
  • No longer displays a hip fire reticle when when without a weapon.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a critical bug when attempting to aim without a weapon.
  • Reworked self splash effects.
  • Cleaned up self splash code.
Manually Operated Weapons
  • Updated internal Fire Time values to be more accurate.
Projectile Framework
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a visual bug where hitting a close target at a specific distance can cause the projectile to appear sideways.
  • PaP Damage: 480 - 60 (x4) (1920 - 240) -> 520 - 30 (x4) (2080 - 120)
  • PaP Hip Spread: 5 - 7 -> 7 - 10
  • Pap Aim Spread: 5.5 -> 7.5
  • PaP Burst Delay: ~0.26s -> 0.28s
  • PaP Module Desc: “Converts the weapon to 5-round burst. Massively increases ammunition capacity.” -> “Converts the weapon to 5-round burst. Increased spread. Massively increases ammunition capacity.”
Remington 870
  • Fire Time: 0.65s -> 0.85s (~70 RPM) (Rate of Fire Unchanged)
  • Fire Time: 0.35s -> 0.55s (~110 RPM) (Rate of Fire Unchanged)
  • Fire Time: 0.6s -> 1.1s (~55 RPM) (Rate of Fire Unchanged)
Barrett .50cal
  • Updated explosion effect.
  • Updated self splash effect.
  • Minor code and model touch up.
M249 SAW
  • Reload animation with not enough rounds remaining now properly inserts a partial belt.
  • Small updates to model.
  • Reload animation with not enough rounds remaining now properly inserts a partial belt.
Carl-Gustaf M2
  • Updated explosion effect.
  • Updated self splash effect.
  • Added inspect animation.
  • Updated animation code.
  • Small animation clean up.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a small audio bug where the explosion sound effect would be cut off early.
  • Small animation code update.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a rare visual bug where canceling mid-reload would not properly reset crossbow limbs.
Milkor MGL Mk 1 - New Weapon
Nail Gun
  • Updated PaP explosion effect.
  • Updated PaP self splash effect.
  • Reload animation with not enough ammunition now properly inserts a partially filled magazine.
  • Minor animation code update.


Mystery Box
Perk Machine
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where knifing or swapping weapons before the perk drinking animation could cause the player to not automatically equip their weapon when finished.

v1.1 (3/3/2023)[]


  • Added dynamic scaling to some UI elements to properly accommodate translated strings.
  • Camo list is now sorted alphabetically based on localized names.
Localization Framework
  • Implemented a translation framework module.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the upgraded weapon would break when attempting to fire.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a visual glitch where the pan magazine would briefly flicker during the reload animation.

v1.1a (3/3/2023)[]


  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where the dynamic scaling on the private server welcome message would break when changing languages.