Project Lazarus Wiki

The Pack-a-Punch Update was released on June 17, 2020.

v1.0 (07/09/2020)[]


  • Attack Swing Speed: 0.5 -> 0.5 - 1 seconds to connect
  • Movement Speed: no variance -> +/- 1.5ms (base ms still increases with round)
  • Should now ragdoll with greater force.
Heads-Up Display
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that caused the spectate icon to be stuck on.
Down but Not Out
  • Bug Fix: Downed weapon should not try to equip multiple times.


  • Added Pack-a-Punch activation steps.


Muzzle Flash
  • Updated for all weapons.
Upgraded Weapons - New
  • Added to the game.
  • Slightly larger hitbox.
  • Updated how knife sounds are replicated to server.
Ray Gun
  • Added the upgraded Ray Gun.
  • Explosion splash effect updated to better represent splash radius.
  • Fire sound effect slightly modified.
  • Explosion sound effect changed.


Wall Weapon
  • Added upgraded ammo purchase.
Mystery Box
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that caused the box to persist through games, causing multiple boxes to be on the map.
Pack-a-Punch - New Utility
  • Implemented functionality.
Perk Machine
  • Updated how drinking sounds are replicated to server.
Mule Kick
  • Cost: 3000 -> 4000 points
Power Switch
  • Bug Fix: Corrected a typo in the power switch prompt.

v1.0a (06/17/2020)[]


Game Thumbnails


Upgraded Weapons
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that caused upgraded weapons to break if the gun fails load fast enough.

v1.0b (06/18/2020)[]


  • Ragdoll changes reverted.


Tracer Rounds
  • Tracer round chance: 35% -> 25%
  • Double Tap Root Beer lowers tracer chance by 50% to counteract perk effect.
Muzzle Flashes
  • Disabled shadows for third person flashes.
  • Lowered rate of updates for third person flashes.
Weapon Sounds
  • Slightly changed how sounds are replicated to potentially reduce lag.
Beretta M9
  • PaP Direct Impact Damage: 1000 -> 1500
  • PaP Splash Damage: 1200 - 75 -> 2000 - 500
  • PaP Splash Radius: ~2.85 -> 3
  • PaP Reserves: 60 -> 96
Dragunov SVU
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue that allowed the upgraded Dragunov SVU to go into negative ammo.

v1.0c (06/19/2020)[]


Weapon Sounds
  • Replication sounds now use sounds in third person model if possible instead of instantiating new sound objects.
B93 Raffica
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a typo in the PaP Module.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a typo in the PaP Module.
  • PaP Magazine Capacity: 30 -> 45
  • PaP Ammo Reserves: 270 -> 360
Barrett .50cal
  • PaP Multipliers: Head: ×10.0 -> x12.5, Torso: ×1.5 -> x3.0, Limbs: ×1.2 -> x1.75
  • PaP Splash Damage: 2000 - 300 -> 2000 - 1000
  • PaP Splash Radius: ~1.428 -> 1.5