Project Lazarus Wiki

Power-Ups are drops that grant temporary benefits when collected. Power-ups have a chance of appearing from killed zombies.

Power-up appear as floating orbs with a yellow symbol representing its effect. They contain a green flame and emit a yellow light.

Any player can collect power-ups by touching them, including downed players. Once collected, they grant different effects for depending on the specific power-up. Multiple power-up effects can be active at the same time.

If left uncollected, power-up drops last for 30 seconds. Power-ups begin to flash when only 15 seconds remain and flash at a rapid rate for 5 seconds before they vanish.

List of Power-Ups[]

There are five power-ups that can be dropped, each providing a different effect when collected.

Power-Up Name Effect Duration
Carpenter Carpenter Rebuilds all barriers on the map.
Awards 200 points to all players.
Double Points Double Points Doubles points gained for all players. 30s
Insta-Kill Insta-Kill Grants all players the ability to kill zombies in one hit. 30s
Max Ammo Max Ammo Refills ammo reserves for all players. Instant
Nuclear Bomb Nuclear Bomb Kills all zombies that spawned before the power-up appeared.
Awards 400 points to all players.


Upon death, zombies will attempt to drop a power-up if they are eligible on death.

Zombies are eligible to drop a power-up if they die within the playable area of the map and were killed by a player. As such, power-ups will not be dropped by zombies killed outside of barriers or from zombies that die from Nuclear Bomb power-up.

There is a cap of maximum of 4 power-up drops in a round. Once this limit is reached, no more power-ups can be dropped until the next round.

Power-ups are dropped at the location of where the zombie died, scanning downwards to find the floor in the event that the zombie died while in mid-air.

Drop Chance[]

There are two ways in which a power-up is successfully dropped. A power-up can be dropped from a flat random chance of 2%. In addition, guaranteed power-ups are dropped by collecting an invisible shared resource called "team points".

Random Chance[]

Whenever a zombie is killed, it will roll an individual 2% chance to attempt to drop a power-up.

Note this zombies only attempts to drop power-ups when they are zombies are killed. Zombies that naturally despawn from being unable to reach players do not drop power-ups.

If the zombies attempts to drop but fails, either because it died outside the playable area of the map or because the of the 4 power-up per round limit, no power-up will be dropped and it will not be carried over.

Team Points[]

Guaranteed power-ups are also dropped when a threshold of "team points" is met. The team points mechanic functions similarly to the players points. However, this resource is tracked for the entire team and is not visible to players.

When zombies are killed, the game checks if there is enough team points for a guaranteed power-up. If there are enough team points, the zombie will attempt to drop a power-up. When a power-up is dropped this way, the requirement cost is deducted from the total amount of team points.

The number of team points required for a power-up is represented by the formula:

Team points are earned collectively by the whole team similarly to normal points. The same amount of team points are gained when players damage zombies, repair barriers, collect power-ups, etc. Team point gain is also similarly affected by the Double Points power-up.

However, slightly less team points are gained for zombie kills depending on the number of players in the game. The team points gained for zombie kills is represented by the formula:

Players spending their own personal points has no effect on the amount of team points accrued.

If the zombie is unable to drop the power-up, the team points will not be deducted and the next zombie killed will attempt to drop the power-up instead.

The number of team points can go over the required amount, such as when a power-up cannot be dropped immediately. As such, any excess team points is not wasted and is counted towards the next power-up drop.


Regardless of how the power-up was dropped, the game randomly decides which specific power-up will be chosen. However, the selection is not completely random and uses a system similar to a bag of marbles.

The game begins with the bag containing one of each power-up. When a power-up is dropped, a specific power-up is randomly drawn from the bag of power-ups. This removes the specific power-up from the bag, which means the same one will not be selected again when the next power-up is spawned. When the bag is emptied, the bag is refilled with one of each power-up.

Power-ups may have certain requirements in order to drop. Specifically, the Carpenter power-up can only drop if there are 5 or more barriers on the map that are completely destroyed. If the game selects a power-up but its condition is not met, the game will remove the power-up from the bag and attempt to select a power-up from the bag again.


  • A player can receive up to 280 points for a melee kill when effects of both Insta-Kill and Double Points are active.
  • With the way the specific power-up is selected, there is a much smaller chance that the same power-up can drop twice in a row.

Update History[]

ASM Val Update v1.0
  • Updated orb animation code.
  • Cleaned up power-up drop code.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a visual bug that could cause the power-up orb to visually linger momentarily after it expires.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a visual bug that could cause Carpenter and Nuclear Bomb power-up orbs to visually linger momentarily after being collected.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a minor bug that could cause power-ups to spawn very slightly less often overall after failing a power-up drop attempt.
MCX-SPEAR Update v1.0
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where power-ups could spawn on top of ice blocks created from Frostbite.
PM-9 Update v1.0
  • Cleaned up power up drop code.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an occasional bug where power-up drops would visually linger on the map after being collected.
DBNO Update v1.0
  • Bug Fix: Sounds effects should work again.