Project Lazarus Wiki
Project Lazarus Wiki

"Hold F to turn on the electricity" ― Interaction Prompt

The power switch is a utility that activates the power, which is needed for powered utilities such as perk machines. It takes the form of a large industrial switch with a red handle against an electrical board with dials and meters.

The player can interact with the power switch to flip the switch and turn on the power. Interacting with the power switch does not cost any points.


The power switch can be found in the following locations:


  • While most utilities usually cost points, using the power switch is free.
    • The power switch and barriers are the only free utilities.
  • The power switch is visibly flipped when activated.
  • As the map regains power, the dials and meters of the electrical board begin to move.
    • The light at the top of the board also turns on.