The RPD Update was released on May 30, 2020.
v1.0 (05/30/2020)[]
- UMP45 base model creator corrected to mike3128.
- SKS manufacturer changed to Tula Arsenal.
- Can now disable the menu UI with the F key.
- Added new looping sound for the power generator in the power room.
- Bug Fix: Properly accredited the base model creator to mike3128.
- Bug Fix: Fixed small animation issue where the magazine is stuck outside the gun.
- Bug Fix: Corrected manufacturer to Tula Arsenal.
- Damage: 100 - 70 -> 110 - 60
- Ammo Capacity: 150 -> 270
- Reduced vertical and horizontal recoil.
- Longer reload.
- Updated weapon model for better sight picture.
- Damage: 160 - 130 -> 210 - 100
- Fire Rate: 600 RPM -> 500 RPM
- Adjusted firing sound.
- Reloading with only one round left in reserve (0+1) will now only put one shell in.
- Mobility: 87.5% -> 80%
- RPD - New Weapon
- Added to the game.
- Added to the Mystery Box.
- Testing collision/accuracy fixes for projectile system.
- Removed gibs from explosions to reduce lag.
- Added Vaporwave Rare camouflage.
- Added Golden Wind Epic camouflage.
- Added Maliwan Epic camouflage.
- RPD added to the pool.
- Added jingles to each of the machines.
- Bug Fix: Patched a glitch that sometimes allowed players to have five perks.
- Added new switch sound effect.