Project Lazarus Wiki

Research is second playable map in Project Lazarus.

The map takes place in an unnamed research facility in Shenzhen, China.


The Research map is roughly separated into three sections, divided by long corridors. The first being the starting room offices and main lobby of the facility. A security hallway takes the player to the second section, a large testing chamber where a central teleporter and its controls are located. The third section is the labs area that can be accessed by a decontamination corridor from the testing chamber.

The map has a unique mechanic of operable security doors that separate the map. These doors require a small payment of points for each use.

The map also features teleporters that allow the player to quickly traverse between the different sections of the map once the power has turned on, albeit unpredictably.


When the game begins, the players will be spawned into the office starting area.

The power switch is located in the center room of labs area. The Mystery Box randomly starts at one of the rooms within the labs area.


Office Starting Area[]

The office starting area is initial spawn location for the players. It consists of a main lounge area and a staircase up to a conference room. The Quick Revive machine is located in this area. There is also a teleporter set up in middle of the lounge area. This area contains three wall weapons and has seven barriers. There is a Mystery Box spawn under the staircase.

  • Weapons Available
  • Perk Machines
  • Connections
    • Office Lobby Area - 750 points

Office Lobby Area[]

Opening the doors in the starting area for 750 points leads to the office lobby. It consists of a counter, waiting areas, and a large sculpture in the center. The Speed Cola machine is located in this area. This area contains a wall weapon and has four barriers. There is a Mystery Box spawn near the counter.

  • Weapons Available
  • Perk Machines
  • Connections
    • Security Hallway - 1000 points
    • Office Lobby Area

Security Hallway[]

To access the security hallway, the player must remove the debris in the office lobby area for 1000 points. Operating the security hallway doors require the player to interact with the panels on either side, costing 250 points to get across. Opening the door from the outside will cost 100 points instead.

  • Connections
    • Upper Testing Chamber Area
    • Office Lobby Area

Upper Testing Chamber Area[]

The security hallway takes the player to the top testing chamber area. It consists of a control room with a balcony on the left and a control room across a catwalk on the right. The Double Tap Root Beer machine is located in this area left of the entrance. The Mule Kick machine is located on the control room on the left. This area contains two wall weapons and has six barriers.

  • Weapons Available
    • JS 9 - 1000 points
    • MP5 - 1000 points
  • Perk Machines
  • Connections
    • Testing Chamber Floor Area - 1250 points
    • Security Hallway

Testing Chamber Floor Area[]

Removing the debris in the top testing chamber area for 1250 points opens up the bottom area of the testing chamber. The Juggernog machine is located in this area. There is also a large teleporter set up in the center. This area contains a wall weapon and has six barriers. There is a Mystery Box spawn inside a storage room.

  • Weapons Available
  • Perk Machines
  • Connections
    • Decontamination Corridor - 1000 points
    • Upper Testing Chamber Area

Decontamination Corridor[]

To access the decontamination corridor, the player must remove the debris in the bottom testing chamber area for 1250 points. Operating the decontamination doors require the player to interact with the panels on either side, similarly to the security hallway. Each trip costs 250 points to get across. Opening the door from the outside will cost 100 points instead.

  • Connections
    • Labs Area
    • Bottom Testing Chamber Area

Labs Area[]

The decontamination corridor leads to the labs area. This area contains several rooms that potentially contain the initial Mystery Box spawns. Players can look through the windows of the chemistry lab and the bio lab to see if the Mystery Box is inside before purchasing the door. This area contains two wall weapons and has eight barriers. There is also a teleporter set up in the center room, along with the power switch. Four smaller lab teleporters are also located in the corners of this area. These lab teleporters take the player randomly between teleporters within the lab.

  • Weapons Available
  • Other
  • Connections
    • Chemistry Lab - 1250 points
    • Specimen Room - 1250 points
    • Bio Lab - 1250 points
    • Decontamination Corridor

Chemistry Lab[]

A room within the lab area. The player can pay 1250 points to open both doors. The room contains beakers along with other chemistry related items on the counter. This room contains a single barrier. There is a Mystery Box spawn within the room.

  • Connections
    • Lab Area

Specimen Room[]

A room within the lab area. The player can pay 1250 points to open all three doors. The room contains a large glass tank containing plant life along with a small storage area. There is a Mystery Box spawn within the storage area.

  • Connections
    • Lab Area

Bio Room[]

A room within the lab area that costs 1250 points to access. The room contains operating tables for dissection. This area contains a wall weapon and has two barriers. There is a Mystery Box spawn behind a whiteboard.

  • Weapons Available
  • Connections
    • Lab Area

Pack-a-Punch Room[]

The Pack-a-Punch room is hidden behind the staircase of the testing chamber. The Pack-a-Punch machine is located in this room, along with a small teleporter. This room contains two barriers. Diverting power by interacting with all four consoles in the testing chamber will temporarily link all teleporters on the map to the Pack-a-Punch room and power the Pack-a-Punch machine for 75 seconds.

  • Other
  • Bottom Testing Chamber Area - Blocked by hidden staircase door.

Wall Weapons[]

Wall Weapons


There are three main teleporters, one in each section of the map. These teleporters take the player between the three sections at random.

In the Labs area, there are additional auxiliary teleporters that are linked to the other teleporters in the area.

Teleporters have a short 2.5 second player-based cooldown. After taking a teleporter, a player will not be able to teleport again during this period.

After being teleported, if the player quickly retakes the teleporter that they exited, the teleporter will avoid returning the player back to where they teleported when there is more than one potential destination. This is for the sake of predictability and to prevent the undesirable situation in which a player is bounced between two of the same teleporter locations for multiple teleport attempts. This grace period lasts for 5 seconds after arrival. With the 2.5 second player-based cooldown in mind, this means the player has a short 2.5 second window in which this effect is active.

Musical Easter Egg[]

For the main page, see "See You In Hell" (Badge).

The map features a musical Easter Egg involving four small cassette tapes that are randomly spawned around the map. Collecting all the tapes will cause See You In Hell from Legacy to begin playing.


  • Research is a remake of the map from logitech101's previous zombie game Call of Robloxia: Zombies.
    • The Call of Roblox: Zombies map was originally inspired by the Call of Duty zombies map "Five".
  • The metal detectors in the security hallway will go off when the player passes through them.
  • Having all players leave a section of the map will cause any zombies left behind to despawn from the lack of valid targets.
  • Research was added to the game in the Map Update on January 29, 2021.

Update History[]

Buckshot Update v1.0
  • Adjusted map lighting effects for lighting technology update.
  • Cleaned up teleporter console code.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an internal bug that occurred when the game ends while the teleporters are powering down.
FAMAE SAF Update v1.0
  • Bug Fix: Moved a chair in the test chamber floor area that was excessively clipping into a whiteboard.
ASM Val Update v1.0
  • Added teleporter particles and electricity effects.
  • Added player teleport effect.
Honey Badger Update v1.0
  • Retaking teleporters will now avoid teleporting the player back to a teleporter they have just arrived from.
  • Cleaned up teleporter effects code.
  • Added invisible walls to prevent players from getting on top of the metal detectors in the security hallway.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed visual FOV inconsistencies when teleporting while aiming.
Law Enforcement Update v1.0
  • Adjusted invisible walls in the security room.
Milkor MGL Update v1.0
  • Added more invisible walls.
  • Added another office chair to the corner of one of the upper testing chamber side rooms.
PM-9 Update v1.0
  • Replaced the "Skull Crusher" musical Easter Egg song with "See You In Hell" from Epic Score.
Nail Gun Update v1.1
  • Updated divert power system consoles to be more responsive.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a rare bug where the Easter Egg tapes would be unevenly distributed.
Nail Gun Update v1.0
  • Replaced the "See You In Hell" musical Easter Egg song with "Skull Crusher" from Legacy.
AK Expansion Update v1.0
  • Added a few pathfinding nodes to refine zombie tracking.
  • Bug Fix: Replaced the decontamination gas sound effect.
Carl-Gustaf M2 Update v1.0
  • Added invisible walls under the spawn room staircase.
  • Extended invisible walls in the Pack-a-Punch room.
Map Update v1.1
Map Update v1.0b
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with invisible barriers in the decontamination hallway.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with fog when spawning in the middle of spectating.
Map Update v1.0a
  • Musical easter egg volume reduced
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug where players can get trapped in the Pack-a-Punch room.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed an issue with flickering fog.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a rare bug where the player would be permanently blinded after teleporting.
Map Update v1.0
  • Added to the game.
