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"Full-auto shotgun. Fast fire rate. Modest damage." ― Description

The USAS-12 is a South Korean fully-automatic shotgun. It can only be acquired through the Mystery Box.

As a fully-automatic shotgun, the USAS-12 is most notable for its fast fire rate. It does high damage up close with each shotgun blast and is capable of extremely high damage output when fired fully-automatically.

The individual shots from the USAS-12 do high amounts of damage, slightly more than that of the Remington 870. With Double Tap Root Beer, each blast is capable of one-shotting zombies up to and including round 19. However, unlike other weapons of its class, the USAS-12 continues to retain much of its viability even after it loses its one-shot potential. The high fire rate and automatic fire of the USAS-12 mean it is more than capable of administering follow up shots if required.

The USAS-12 is also unique in that it is magazine-fed and reloads all of its shells at once. This feature allows the USAS-12 to reload much faster than the other shotguns.

However, its fully-automatic fire means that it can easily consume its ammunition reserves in a wasteful manner. Often, the player may want to treat the USAS-12 as a semi-automatic weapon and only turning to fully-automatic fire as a last resort. Maintaining careful trigger discipline will allow the player to conserve ammunition and extend the usability of the USAS-12.

Overall, the USAS-12 is capable of dealing high amounts of damage up close due to its fast rate of fire and fully-automatic mode of operation. However, its rate of fire and hunger for shells will often leave the player running dry. Because each shotgun blast already dulls out respectable amounts of damage, the player may wish to avoid spraying in full-auto to prevent reckless consumption of shells.

Pros & Cons[]


  • High damage shotgun blasts up close.
  • Fully-automatic fire for maximum damage output.
  • Expedient reloads.
  • One-shot potential up to round 19 with Double Tap Root Beer.


  • Fully-automatic fire is prone to wasting shells.
  • Quickly runs out of ammunition.
  • Has to be acquired through chance from the Mystery Box.

Weapon Upgrade[]

When upgraded via the Pack-a-Punch machine, the USAS-12 becomes the Usurper.

With the Floating Dagger Module, the upgraded weapon gains a fleeting movement speed boost on kill. The boost increases movement speed by 50%, decaying over 2 seconds

Every 4 kills will additionally grant increased damage, allowing the weapon to deal 150% damage for 5 seconds.

In addition to the temporary speed and damage buffs, the Usurper has increased based damage and headshot multiplier. The capacity of the weapon magazine is also doubled along with a much larger pool of reserve ammunition.

USAS-12 vs. Usurper[]

USAS-12 Usurper
USAS-12 Hip
USAS-12 PaP Hip
Damage 320 → 15 (×4) (1280 → 60) 600 → 30 (×4) (2400 → 120)
Range 7.5 max → 20 min 7.5 max → 20 min
USAS-12 Damage
USAS-12 PaP Damage
Multipliers Head: ×1.0, Torso: ×1.0, Limbs: ×1.0 Head: ×1.5, Torso: ×1.0, Limbs: ×1.0
Magazine Size 10 20
Ammunition 10+60 20+160
Rate of fire 400 RPM 400 RPM
Fire Mode Fully-Automatic Fully-Automatic
Pack-a-Punch Module > Floating Dagger Module
Kills grant a fleeting movespeed boost for 2s. Every 4 kills grant a 150% damage buff for 5s.


For camouflage images, see USAS-12/Camouflage.


  • The base weapon model of the USAS-12 is built by the Roblox user manofthelol.
  • USAS stands for Universal Sporting Automatic Shotgun.
    • The "12" refers to the 12 gauge shotgun shells that the USAS-12 uses.
  • The name of the upgraded weapon, "Usurper", and the Floating Dagger Module is a Shakespearian reference to the play Macbeth.
    • Driven by ambition, the titular character Macbeth falls into a downward psychological spiral of extreme paranoia and lust for power after killing the Scottish king to seize the throne for himself.
    • As he is about to commit the murder, Macbeth sees the hallucination of a floating dagger before him, dripping with blood and pointed towards the sleeping king.
  • When reloading, magazine catch of the USAS-12 visually functions as the magazine is removed and as fresh magazine is inserted into the weapon.

Update History[]

ASM Val Update v1.0
  • Ammo Reserves: 50 -> 60
  • PaP Ammo Reserves: 140 -> 160
  • Gun Kick: 1.5 -> 1.75
  • Model touch-up.
  • Added third person animations.
  • Updated animations.
  • Cleaned up animation code.
Nail Gun Update v1.0
  • Updated animation code.
  • Added inspect animation.
  • Reload animation touch up.
  • Equip animation touch up.
  • Small model update.
Map Update v1.0
  • PaP Headshot Multiplier: x2.25 -> x1.5
Benelli M4 Update v1.0
  • PaP Ammo Reserves: 180 -> 140
  • PaP Headshot Multiplier: x1.0 -> x2.25
Pack-a-Punch Update v1.0
  • Added the upgraded USAS-12.
DBNO Update v1.0a
  • Damage: 240 - 24 (x4) -> 320 - 15 (x4)
  • Magazine Capacity: 6 -> 10
  • Ammo Reserves: 36 -> 50
